个人信息: 姓名:韩四海 性别:男 学历:博士研究生 学位:博士 专业:生物化学与分子生物学 E-mail:hansihai@haust.edu.cn
中共党员,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。主要研究领域:食品生物化学、食品营养与健康、 食品加工与安全。2012年6月至今,任教于永利集团3044官网欢迎您,永利集团3044官网欢迎您。
科研项目: 1 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31471658):基于量子点无损标记及多光谱成像的食源性大肠杆菌生物膜形成和发展分子机理研究, 2015-01-01 至 2018-12-31, 结题, 主持。 2 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31772094):脂质体系中植物甾醇光敏氧化的分子机制及控制途径研究, 2018-01-01 至 2021-12-31, 结题, 参与。 科研论文: 1 Sihai Han, Chonlong Chio, Tianxiao Ma, Aristide Laurel Mokale Kognou, Sarita Shrestha, Feifei Chen, Wensheng Qin. Extracting flavonoid from Ginkgo biloba using lignocellulolytic bacteria Paenarthrobacter sp. and optimized via response surface methodology. Biofuels Bioproducts & Biorefining, 2021, 15:867–878. 2 Yijie He, Jinying Guoa, Guoyan Rena, Guoting Cuia, Sihai Han,Jianxue Liu. Effects of konjac glucomannan on the water distribution of frozen dough and corresponding steamed bread quality. Food Chemistry, 2020, 330:127243. 3 Shrestha, Sarita; Khatiwada, Janak Raj; Zhang, Xiaodong; Chio, Chonlong; Kognou, Aristide Laurel Mokale; Chen, Feifei; Han, Sihai; Chen, Xuatong; Qin, Wensheng. Screening and Molecular I dentification of Novel Pectinolytic Bacteria from Forest Soil, Fermentation-Basel, 2021, 7, 40. 4 Peijun Meng, Yamin Xiong, Yingting Wu, Yue Hu, Hui Wang, Yuanfeng Pang, Shuqing Jiang, Sihai Han and Peili Huang. A novel strategy to evaluate the degradation of quantum dots: identification and quantification of CdTe quantum dots and corresponding ionic species by CZE-ICP-MS. Chem. Commun., 2018, 54:5342--5345 5 Sihai Han*, Weiwei Zhang, Peiyan Li, Xuan Li, Jianxue Liu, Denglin Luo, Baocheng Xu. Characterization of Aromatic Liquor by Gas Chromatography and Principal Component Analysis. Analytical Letters, 2017, 50(5):777–786. 6 Sihai Han*, Weiwei Zhang, Xuan Li, Peiyan Li, Jianxue Liu. Determination of Three Alcohols in Chinese Dukang Base Liquor by FT-NIR Spectroscopy. Food Analytical Methods, 2016, 9:2194–2199. 7 Sihai Han*, Weiwei Zhang, Xuan Li, Peiyan Li, Jianxue Liu, Denglin Luo, Baocheng Xu. Rapid determination of ethyl pentanoate in liquor using Fourier transform near-infrared spectroscopy coupled with chemometrics. Spectroscopy Letters, 2016, 49(7):464–468. 研究方向: 食品生物化学、食品营养与健康、食品加工与安全。